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Ways to navigate barriers on freedoms targeting vulnerable groups

04/07/2023 | 4 minutes reading


CSO representatives and activists from women-led and feminist organizations participated in a traning workshop held by SEEDS on June 6 & 8, 2023 on “Freedom of Expression, Assembly & Association, Ways to navigate restrictive trends targeting vulnerable groups” in FABRIKA, one of Beirut’s creativity-stimulating co-working spaces to address the restrictions that have been significantly increasing in the past few years in Lebanon.

The training sessions focused on violations of freedom of expression, assembly and association that are targeting the vulnerable communities and the barriers in the Lebanese law and how to navigate them. The training aimed at increasing the legal knowledge in this area, To empower the targets to exercise their right to freedom of expression and to advocate for the expansion of the civic space in Lebanon throughout legal reforms and policies that ensure the advancement of freedom of expression, assembly and association.

We adopted a multifaceted approach which included an interactive and participatory training to engage the participants, fostering dialogue in a safe space and utilizing media platforms to disseminate legal knowledge and human rights issues in a simplified way. 

At the end of the training CSOs representatives and were more equipped with the knowledge and skills to access mitigation processes when their FOAA and FOE rights have been breached, and to advocate for amendments to expand FOE rights. 

In addition the general public is more knowledgeable of restrictions on FOAA and FOE, legal approaches to decriminalize speech, and legal developments protecting these rights. 

 Finally, participants not only showed a strong desire to collaborate with each other and stakeholders, but they also exhibited a sincere dedication to disseminating their knowledge and insights to their respective organizations or networks.