We strive to create and disseminate knowledge on vital legal issues, driving policy reform, and enhancing capacities through education and training. We are committed to fostering a network of partnerships that endorse our mission and propels us toward a future where justice and equality are within everyone's reach.
Knowledge Production
SEEDS multidisciplinary team of lawyers and communication experts work together to develop, design and disseminate the legal information in order to make it available and accessible to all. We adopt a participatory and inclusive approach with the community so they can build ownership of their laws and policies.
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Capacity Building
We design training modules to engage the public and the specific target groups, inviting them to participate in the process of grasping the knowledge as well as in the information dissemination. These modules are developed to correspond with the in person meetings and the online sessions and to respond to the needs and the particularity of each target group we are aiming to reach.
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Policy Development & Reform
We develop studies, research papers, action plans and policy papers to lift restrictions on freedoms and on civic spaces, to provide more protection to marginalized and vulnerable groups, and to secure a safe environment in the workplace.
know moreSeeds for Legal Initiatives (SEEDS) and La Sagesse University have signed an MoU to enhance legal education and raise awareness about Lebanon’s Missing and Forcibly Disappeared, with a focus on gender perspectives. Building on the success of the MOOC "Dealing with the Past," the initiative, supported by UN Women and the Government of Canada, will introduce a new module highlighting the experiences of women relatives of the missing.
بموجب مذكرة التفاهم، ستتم إضافة وحدة تعليمية جديدة إلى الدورة الحالية بدعم من "هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة" وتهدف هذه الوحدة الجديدة إلى تسليط الضوء على المنظور الجندري في سياق قضايا الاختفاء القسري، مع التركيز على التحديات النفسية والاجتماعية والقانونية التي تواجه النساء من أقارب المفقودين، مثل الأمهات والزوجات والبنات.
خلصت الجلسة إلى مجموعة من التوصيات التي سترفعها المنصة النسوية، داعيةً العهد الجديد والحكومة المقبلة إلى: - ضمان تمثيل النساء في الحكومة كالتزام أساسي لتحقيق المساواة. - دعم الكوتا النسائية لكسر اختلال التوازن التمثيلي. - تعزيز سياسات مستجيبة للنوع الاجتماعي ضمن برامج الحكومة. - تبني مقاربات جندرية تركز على العدالة والمحاسبة في قضايا النساء.