In the aftermath of the Beirut Port Explosion, and in an effort to respond to the corresponding urgent humanitarian needs that emerged in Beirut and in Lebanon in general, SEEDS for Legal Initiatives hastened to provide assistance and meet the needs of the affected community. As SEEDS’ expertise lies in legal research, awareness and advocacy for the safeguarding of liberties and human rights, we looked to offer our support to the ongoing humanitarian response and to help ensure that the recovery efforts effectively and impartially engaged women, including minority women, and answered their specific needs. With the support of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund and the Government of Germany, and with technical assistance from UN Women, SEEDS launched the project “In the Shadow of a State: Towards Gender-Responsive Aid in Recovery” in July 2021.
The first part of the project consisted of conducting a research study that aimed to assess the extent to which recovery programs that received funding following the Beirut Port Explosion succeeded in promoting the participation of women in decision making processes, considering the specific needs of women and girls including minority groups, adopting the recommendations of the Feminist Charter of Demands and taking into account the goals of the Lebanon Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF).
Production date: July 2021